Crossing the Blues

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Sado Tarou suffers from sexual masochism; he experiences sexual pleasure from pain. He feels he won't ever have a normal relationship with his condition and decides to visit the Voluntary Club, a place that grants students' wishes, for a cure. At the club, he finds Isurugi Mio, a girl who thinks she is a god, and Yuno Arashiko, the girl who caused his condition in the first place...

MM! - 07

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MM! ED Single – More-more LOVERS!! [Asou Natsuko]

Princess Resurrection vol 1 Manga Review

Only one chapter—a creepy stay in a vampire-infested hospital—succeeds as horror. The rest, for all of their battling monsters, are all but entirely devoid of terror, dread, creeps, chills and willies, and haven't even the sheer gore factor to qualify them. There is plenty of (curiously rendered) blood, and the artwork lends itself fairly well to classical Hollywood horror atmospherics, but the passages given over to suspense are generally wasted. Humor isn't enough of a focus for this to be a laugh-riot, but there are amusing little jokes throughout, nearly all of them dealing with the endless abuse heaped on Hiro. He's run over, stabbed, garroted, chain-sawed, thrown through windows, impaled, dismembered, and left at the bottom of a lake for an entire chapter. It's rather refreshing to see an ostensible male lead placed in a position as protector and yet remain as thoroughly incompetent as Hiro is.